2Cor 10:3-5, 3 For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war according to the flesh.
The thought of spiritual warfare is often immediately associated with battling spiritual demonic forces attacking our health, finances, families etc. In studying this verse, spiritual warfare is much greater than that. If anything, it’s the battle to stay steadfast on what God has revealed in His word as truth and refute anything or anyone who contradict it.
This battle began in the garden of Eden, Satan challenged men to doubt God’s word. And man in response indirectly said, “not Your will but mine be done”, right into the NT where Christ in the wilderness is challenged to go against the Word. We must recognize that the main target of the enemy is your mind. The mind is the faculty of consciousness and thought. Your world crumbles when you are defeated in the mind. The mind must be guarded at all cost by the word. We are to lift Christ by keeping His truth pure, unadulterated, unhindered both in our lives and around us if we are to stand against all onslaught.
2 replies on “What The Enemy Is After”
Thank you. This confirms what I have been feeling in my spirit to stay in the word for protection, among other things.
Amen, we need every victory