1Ki 17:24 And the woman (widow of Zarephath) said to Elijah, “Now I know that you are a man of God, and that the word of the LORD in your mouth is truth.”
A widow and her son in severe 3 1/2 drought were miraculously provided for by God through Elijah. She took Elijah’s words to heart and believed God through His prophet for provisions. For the remainder of the drought 2.5 years, they never ran out of oil and flour. But after a while during or after the famine her son became ill and died. As her faith was still weak, God in order to elevate her faith used a situation, the death of her son to prove Himself faithful.
She recognized the Lord as the only true God when she saw a miracle of oil and flour (daily provisions); but now with the resurrection of her son, she had a fresh instance of it, a clear proof and demonstration of it, and more plainly, she fully grasped it. She believed the word of God was in Elijah’s mouth and was assured of it that God was greater. The death of a situation should serve as a purpose trust God for something greater, resurrection in order to refresh and elevate our faith. Many of us have just enough faith for bread and not for resurrection.