Gen 16:9 The angel of the LORD said to her, “Return to your mistress and submit to her.”
This encounter with the Lord shifted from expectation to instruction first. We think the Lord would say to Hagar, “wait here and I will put in a good word for you or deal with Sarai or make a new way”, on the contrary, the Lord had a different message, He said “RETURN to your mistress and SUBMIT to her“. These words are associated with humility and they are hard.
It is hard to submit when you feel justified in your actions and/or more qualified like Hagar. No one bends who is not humble. Humility forces us to confront what our flesh hates. Humility is not a sign of weakness, it’s strength under control. Submission is the key to release. Jesus humbled Himself and became obedient even unto the death on the cross. Was He weak? of course not, He said, “No man takes my life, I lay it down”. You can see that submission is a CHOICE not a CONDITION. Therefore those that have gone away from their place and duty, when convinced of their error, returns and submits to the process. They believe God gives grace to the humble and their blessings are tied to obedience.
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