Psa 16:9 Therefore my heart is glad, and my glory rejoices: my flesh shall rest in hope.
The Psalmist expresses his feeling of restless as a painful situation to be in. People in “hope” mode do different kinds of things to keep hope alive, they continuously praise and rest on the promises of God. Psa 71:14 says “But I will hope continually, and will yet praise thee more and more.” You can be in hope mode and still complain and wonder why you are delayed. Praising the Lord while in hope mode is vital because it keeps fueling the faith needed to trust the Lord even more so you won’t give up.
Col 1:28 “Christ in you, the hope of glory…” Our greatest hope is Christ. What a way to hope. He is always with us, and promises to never leave us or forsake us. When we get discouraged and feel like giving up, His words of comfort and hope keep us alive, so we can trust Him even the more. Have you lost hope of victory in any kind of situation? If you have, don’t let hope die because Christ lives in you. Keep living to the fullest and exercise the things to keep your hope alive. Christ in you, the hope of glory, the hope of splendor, the hope of magnificence, the hope of wonder, the hope of brilliance, and of many more. Let us rest in hope, that is Christ.