Daily Devotionals

He Has Magnified His Word, Psalm 138:2

Practical Christianity, by F.B. Meyer

Jam 2:26 For as the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without works is. dead also.

James is described as “the Lord’s brother“… While St. Paul deals specially with doctrine, James is concerned with practice; Paul expounds the wonderful significance of Christ’s death and resurrection; James expounds the teaching of our Lord, especially in the Sermon on the Mount. Paul insists on faith as the means of justification before God; James lays stress on the works to which faith must lead…

Faith without works is dead.” It is good to test ourselves. We must see to it that our heart is pure and our way absolutely transparent. In our dealings with those around us, we must always seek to realize our highest conceptions of love and duty. Even when our efforts of goodwill and affection are not reciprocated, we must never lower the high standard of our action, but always keep before us the conception of our Saviour’s life in the Home at Nazareth. Be merciless to yourself, but always merciful to others, always bearing the burdens of those around you, always moderating your pace to the weak and weary, …Even Rahab was justified by a faith which wrought itself out in beautiful and unselfish action (Jas 2:25; Heb 11:31). Remember our Lord’s words in Mat 7:20-21.