Psa 55:1-23, 6 So I said, “Oh, that I had wings like a dove! I would fly away and be at rest”
Many of our prayers sound like this, “Father, please get me out of this”, and if there is a delay, we modify the prayers to sound like this “Father, when I’m I getting out of this?”. Effective prayer should be, “Father, what should I get out of this?”
David’s dilemma in Psa 55 perhaps is in response to constant threats from Saul. With the trials, temptations, exhaustion, confusion, frustration etc he had enough and wished for relief, “So I said, “Oh, that I had wings like a dove! I would fly away and be at rest”. The wings of a dove would enable him to fly far away from his problems. Doves flap their wings fast to get out of situations. With God, flying away is not His plan (Rom 5:3-5). Circumstances are learning and growing opportunities not to be missed. It was this David who learned and benefited from his troubles, he had this to say, “It’s good for me to have been afflicted that I may learn Your statutes” (Psa 119:71). We should aspire for the wings of an eagle to fly above the trials while we learn ad grow through them.