Rom 8:26 Likewise the Spirit also helps in our weaknesses. For we do not know what we should pray for as we ought, but the Spirit Himself makes intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered.
Note that this verse declares that it is the Spirit Himself that groans. The creation groans; we ourselves groan; the Spirit Himself groans.
While we are waiting in hope, but suffering, the Spirit is our helper in weakness. The Spirit Himself’ is in us gives emotions which He Himself has kindled. He not only strengthens us, He also helps us in prayer. We often do not know in our ignorance how to pray what is best for us. In this He enables us to pray the will of the Father rather than our own. He strips us of anything that takes our focus off of Christ and positions the spotlight back on Christ when we pray. This is especially true in the times of our greatest trials, our focus in times like this would easily dwell on “woe is me” and how do I get out.
In Mat 26, 3 times Jesus prayed that the cup of the wrath of God would pass Him, and 3 times He yielded to God’s perfect will. Jesus was anointed with the Holy Ghost and power, He depended on that power to bring Him through completely yielding to God the Father. You can’t wait until you can pray to pray, you come to pray when you can’t and He will help you and pray on your behalf.