1Sam 2:17-18, 17 … the sin of the young men was very great before the Lord, …18 BUT Samuel ministered before the Lord, even as a child, …
Eli served as a priest and a judge for 40 years. He had a successful ministry but a broken home. His two sons Hophni and Pheneas envisioned as his successors were worthless and corrupt. They promoted prostitution, abhorred the offering of the Lord and were stubborn. Eli failed as a father, he lacked the firmness to control his sons and God held him accountable for it.
In this mess, vs 18 provides a breath of fresh air, it says “BUT Samuel ministered before the Lord, even as a child, …” In the midst of seeing children go against God and are disobedient to parents and authority, I take comfort in “BUT”. It reminds us that God is still raising children in this crooked world. Children like Samuel who will grow in the fear and the knowledge of God. Samuel was prayed in and prayed through, trained in the ways of God and commended to God’s hands. Parents cannot change the hearts of their children BUT God can. “BUT” gives us hope that It’s never too late to pray, train and commend. What shall it profit a man if he is successful in ministry but loose his wife and children?