Pro 16:1 The plans of the heart belong to man, but the answer of the tongue is from the LORD.
Living for God has its mountain top and valley experiences. If you find yourself in the valley, praying may not result in God taking you out of it but bringing you through it. God loves and cares, He is making much of Himself in the life of believers wherever they are and teaching them to trust and rest in Him.
One common error is the need to try to make a deal with God, “If I do this for you and you do that for me”. We don’t get blessed because we worked something right (mostly faith). This often leads to working so hard to get things Jesus already paid for on the cross. If you are striving to love God and love people in order to be a candidate for blessings, you will always fall short. “Love God, love people is what the gospel produces not what it commands…”, (Voddie Baucham). It is not the means by which God responds to prayers, it is praying to be aligned to His will, plans, and purposes, then resting confidently in His power and wisdom. You are already considered blessed when you trust in Him (Psa 34:8)