Joh 12:32-33, 32 And I, if I am lifted up from the earth, will draw all peoples to Myself.” 33 This He said, signifying by what death He would die
Jesus thrice spoke of His death as “lifting up”, a euphemism for being crucified. Joh 12:23, “…“The hour has come that the Son of Man should be glorified”. The cross was the means by which the Son of Man be glorified as He draws men Himself. That is why we preach Christ crucified. Christ, bringing the world to God by the doctrine of His cross, broke the power of sin, and cast out Satan as a deceiver.
The soul that was distance from Christ is brought to love Him and trust Him. There is power in the death of Christ to draw souls to Him. That by the cross, we have victory and in that victory Christ is lifted up. “The priority of prayer in Jesus life, the great majority of His words dealt with one thing, a passion for God to be glorified throughout the world.” (Paul Washer). Prayer is nothing but passion, zeal, drive, hunger, burden to lift Him up. It is to make His name great and advance His kingdom and not ours.
2 replies on “Be Lifted Up”
Amen. Blessed Word. Through the cross the Lord has drawn all to Himself.
If we exalt God in all do, seek His praise in all our doing and lift Him in our life to the position He truly deserves, surely He will draw all to Himself through our life.