1Tim 2:8 I will therefore that men pray everywhere, lifting up holy hands, without wrath and doubting;
This last weekend I had the privilege of leading men’s prayer sessions at a retreat. It was refreshing to see over 40 men pray the night before. The following morning those same men filled the chapel at 7am to fervently pray. This is one of the greatest duty of a godly man.
Consider this mental picture, suppose a man is driving His family to a destination, the worst thing he can do is fall asleep on the wheel. He must stay awake, alert and effective on the wheels. The moment he falls asleep, he has but exposed both himself and his family to danger. This is the tragedy of not being steadfast, sober and vigilant as biblical men in prayers, the enemy takes advantage. The first thing God noted as He sent Ananias to meet a new convert Saul (Paul) was that he will find him praying. Paul knew the importance of prayer. He made it his bedrock from his conversion and charged others especially men to to make it a common practice. “Lord, teach us to pray, as John also taught his disciples.” (Luke 11:1).
3 replies on “A Worthy Charge To Men”
Lord, help us to show forth the grace of God in Jesus Christ to those we meet this day.
Lord, help me to show forth the grace of God in Jesus Christ to those I meet this day.
Amen brother