Gen 2:24 Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and they shall become one flesh
Jay Adams in his book “Marriage, Divorce and Remarriage” states that, “God designed marriage as a foundational element of all human society. Before there was a child, a church, a school, a business, institutions, God formally instituted marriage declaring, vs. 24 “Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and they shall become one flesh”, this was also talked about by Christ in Mat 19:5 and Paul in Eph 5:31. It’s a let go and cleaves to.”
See how great the virtue of a divine ordinance is; the bonds of it are stronger even than those of nature. To whom can we be more firmly bound than the fathers and the mothers that bore us? Yet the son must transition from them to be joined to his wife, and the daughter moves out to cleave to her husband, and the two become one in bond for the purpose of bringing glory to God. It is on this foundation we learn more of what God’s love is when you love someone who does not meet all your needs, or fails you many times but you still love and forgive because you are joined to him or her. And any attempt to separate or break the union will result into injury on both.