
Effectively Equipping The Young

Act 20:28 Therefore take heed to yourselves and to all the flock, among which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers, to shepherd the church of God which He purchased with His own blood.

This wise master builder, the apostle Paul, laid the foundation, Jesus Christ. Since Paul was now departing for good, he had a few words of encouragement, concerns, and caution. For 3 years he wrestled in tears and prayer because he sensed that the church would face perilous times. Having labored by the grace of God, he gives the elders a charge to shepherd the church of God.

Paul comprehended that he will not lead forever. He consequently raised men, particularly youngsters like Timothy and Titus to proceed with the work. He commended them to God and His word to build them up (vs. 32). Ravi Zacharias took young men and women under his wings, from Tim Tebow, Lecrae, and others and equipped some to be apologists. His passing did not mean the end of the ministry.

Young people are championing for change. We need leaders who will equip them to fight the good fight and fight the right way. God had the new generation of the Israelites born in the wilderness. To make it to the promised land, they needed God-fearing leaders, Joshua and Caleb, to train and lead them there. It’s been said that good leaders have followers but great leaders make more leaders who will continue from where they left.

One reply on “Effectively Equipping The Young”

It is based on this that we lead our children into the way of God because, as the word puts it, they shall not depart. Thanks.

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